Health News

Where have I been?

Well, if you remember, I unplugged during my trip to Cabo with my daughters and well...kind of stayed unplugged. One month, two, three...whoa! How did that happen?

I simply got off track.

Has that ever happened to you?

Maybe you’ve been eating well, losing weight, and feeling pretty proud of yourself. One night you go to a party and decide to splurge and it feels wonderful to eat and drink whatever you want! The next day you decide another day of “deprivation vacation” can’t hurt and pretty soon days and weeks have past and you’ve never quite been able to get back on track.

The old way of eating is familiar-- and it’s easy! You don’t have to think about it or plan. So for a while it’s a relief--until you notice you’ve gained back the pounds you had lost. And you don’t feel as well as you did when you were going for walks and to the gym. Maybe your blood sugar is creeping back up and you begin to realize that although it’s been easier, it’s ultimately not the path that’s going to take you where you want to go.

So now what? It can feel overwhelming, impossible, and even depressing just thinking about it.

But what if instead of trying to completely change everything to get back on track you just start with one or two things? Maybe you cut out (or cut back) the soda and start taking a walk in the evenings. You have to walk the dog anyway, right? Maybe trim back your daily mochas to once or twice a week and drink coffee with a little cream or green tea the other days. Whatever you decide to do, keep it attainable so you set yourself up for a win!

Doesn’t taking one or two small steps sound a little better than jumping from one track to the other and leaving behind everything you love? The trick here is to find some new, healthier foods you love. Eating is supposed to be pleasurable!

More next time.  🙂







Need a getaway?

I can't even count the number of times I look at my e-mail, text, and talk on my phone during the day. Although I try to always begin my day with prayer and meditation, I'll admit that some days I get pulled into working the minute I get out of bed. Don't get me wrong--I love what I do. But sometimes I feel like I'm continually going, going, going. Know the feeling?

Last week I went to Cabo with my daughters. I didn't take my phone, check my e-mail, or look at a clock the entire time I was there. It was the first time in a very long time that I completely unplugged and relaxed and it was incredible!

It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was perfect--about 80 degrees with mild humidity. Other than going whale watching (wow--was that amazing!), taking a walk on the beach, and going to restaurants in town a couple of times--we just relaxed. As in did nothing. We reclined and watched the waves, sat in the hot tub, talked and laughed, and read a little. We took workout clothes but how silly was that?

It was one time that I stayed completely present. I didn't think about anything going on at home or work. All I thought about was if I felt like eating ceviche or shrimp or if I wanted to recline by the pool or the ocean. We didn't want to come home. It just didn't seem long enough. And it made me realize how much I was longing for being still in nature. It was so healing. We can't always get on a plane (darn it) but I think it's doable and important to carve out quiet time to spend doing nothing.

Do you usually eat your lunch as you sit at your computer working? How about actually taking a lunch hour? What a concept! Maybe go to a park or somewhere quiet and truly relax. Either silence your phone (and don't look at it!) or leave it at the office. Is the mere thought of this making you feel a little anxious? 🙂

I invite you to unplug, take some deep breaths, and relax a little.  Your busy life will be there when you get back.  🙂



Do you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again?

Do you ever find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, despite your many attempts to change?

I've been on a "cleaning out" kick...closets, cabinets, drawers, etc. I finally got to my kitchen cabinets and exchanged the cabinets that contained my teas with one that has all of my supplements and spices. I can't tell you how many times I've opened the now "tea" cabinet to grab the sea salt. Every time I do it I think...really...again? Now if I were actually paying attention when I went to grab the salt I would know where it was. But I'm often on autopilot and just go to the cabinet it used to be in out of habit.

You know, kind of like when you pop a cookie in your mouth mindlessly when you're trying to stop eating sweets. Have you ever caught yourself with the cookie in your mouth partially chewed up and actually spit it out when you realized what you were doing? C'mon now, fess up! 🙂  Or do you just quickly swallow it and because you screwed up anyway and have another?

Habits are hard to change--especially when you make a lot of changes at once. But it doesn't have to be so difficult. The last thing any of us need is to try to do too much at once so we end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed and ultimately just give up.

Doesn't it make more sense to make healthy changes slowly so you can get used to one or two changes that actually become new habits before trying to take on more? If you are gentle and kind with yourself rather than cracking the whip and trying to change everything at once you have a much better chance of reaching and maintaining your health and weight loss goals.

Remember...eating should be enjoyable! If you love eating something that you know is unhealthy for you--then it's important to find a new, healthier food that you can fall in love with so you don't feel deprived!

Want some help doing all of this?  It doesn't matter how many times you've tried and failed...this time can be different. Maybe you just need someone to walk beside you, encourage you, and keep you accountable. I would be honored to be that person.


It is time to be decadent!

When we think of loving we usually think of loving others. But we often forget about loving ourselves.   My invitation to you this Valentine's Day is to spend some time showering yourself with a little self-indulgence and love. I'm not talking about a trip to Nordstrom--although that could be fun too. I'm talking about taking some time to step back from the busyness of life, unwind, and nurture you.

I know what you're thinking...sounds great but I have little kids who need all of my attention, or I have a business to run. Yes, it's true, and if we wanted to knock out everything on our list of things to do we could stay busy all of our waking hours--and many of us do. Sometimes even that isn't enough time so we wake up in the middle of the night and worry about how we're going to get it all done.  It can feel overwhelming, can't it? And is that really the behavior we want to model for our kids?

I'm just asking you to think about unplugging and scheduling in some quiet time just for you--even if it's only an hour.

So if you had an hour and you couldn't use it on your phone, computer, in front of the television or doing any sort of work or cleaning what would you like to do?   Would it be getting a massage? Curling up and reading a good book, going for a solitary hike in nature? I'll tell you one of mine.

I absolutely love to be curled up in a warm bed when there's a thunder storm and the rain is loudly pelting the roof--the louder the better! We don't get many thunderstorms in Colorado but I've learned to improvise. I have a Thunderstorm CD that I often listen to while I'm curled up with a blanket in a cozy chair. I also love bubble baths with candles and essential oils.

So a couple of nights ago I decided to get crazy and do it all! I brought my CD player in the bathroom and relaxed in lavender infused, candlelit bubble bath complete with the sound of rain pouring down. It was awesome! Yeah, I had some work I could have been doing that I'll have to catch up on today but it was worth it.

On this Valentine's Day, this day of love, I invite you to think about what you could do for yourself that would make you feel nurtured and even a little bit decadent. The more you re-fuel and take care of yourself the more you'll have to give to your loved ones, your projects, your passions, and the world.

Sending love to you this Valentine's Day!

Do you like to eat cereal for breakfast but know it isn't good for you?

I grew up eating cereal! Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Grape-nuts, Cocoa Puffs, Sugar Smacks...the list goes on. Sometimes I'd even eat cereal for dinner.  All of those processed carbs that turn to sugar along with all of the added sugar ...trouble!

But it was kind of a ritual and it tasted so good! Well, one of my passions is to find healthy substitutes for all of those tempting (and not so healthy) foods I use to love. I haven't eaten cereal forever but recently came across this recipe for Cinnamon Toasted Coconut Cereal when I was looking for recipes for one of my clients.

I've already made it twice (okay three times if you count the time I used slivered almonds in place of some of the coconut). It's yummy as a snack by itself or in a bowl with unsweetened almond or coconut milk. It's just like the old days (almost)! The difference is that this crunchy, cinnamony, cereal is made with coconut so it's full of good fat and fiber and it has plenty of cinnamon that actually helps to lower blood sugar levels. It only has four ingredients and is simple and quick to make.  It's cereal that's actually good for you!

If you're ready to make lasting changes in how you look and feel but just aren't sure how to do it--or you feel like you basically know what to do but just can't seem to stick with it--I'd be honored to guide you in making changes that will restore your confidence as you make healthier choices and watch those pounds melt off!  Contact me if you'd like to schedule a  complimentary 30-minute wellness strategy session!



Sugar cause wrinkles?

What?! It’s true. Sugar not only makes your pants tight-- it causes lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Sugar and processed carbohydrates that turn to sugar in the body (bread, pasta, cereal, etc.) are quickly converted to glucose in your bloodstream. The overload of glucose can cause a reaction called glycation, where excess sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen fibers and form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products (or AGEs for short).

Collagen and elastin fibers are what keep the skin firm and elastic and when they’re damaged the skin looks less radiant, becomes less elastic, and is more vulnerable to lines, sagging, and sun damage. And…the more sugar you consume, the more AGEs you develop.

Come on you guys I’m telling you…sugar just isn’t a good thing! But that doesn’t mean you have to give up everything sweet. There are some simple (and painless) changes you can make.  The amount of sugar you eat adds up during the day so making better choices will make a big difference.

I was doing a grocery shopping tour with one of my clients at Vitamin Cottage last week and we were looking at yogurt. I like Greek yogurt best because it’s much higher in protein than regular yogurt--but all Greek yogurt is not created equal.

First we looked at Wallaby Organic Plain Greek Yogurt. It contained 23 grams of protein and 6 grams of sugar per serving. There was no added sugar; the sugar came from the lactose in the milk. Right next to it was Wallaby Organic Vanilla Greek Yogurt. Get this…it contained 15 grams of protein and 21 grams of sugar—just from the switch from plain to vanilla!

Now you may be saying…”but the vanilla tastes better.” I agree, but how about if you create your own? Take the plain yogurt and add stevia and vanilla extract. Now you have vanilla yogurt with more protein and much less sugar! Add some nuts and/or berries and you will have a delicious light breakfast or snack.

Taking sugar out of your diet wherever you can will make a big difference in your health, in the way you look, and the way you feel!


There is sugar in that?

A good way to start the New Year is to completely cut out—or cut way back on SUGAR. We all know sugar isn’t good for us and can cause weight gain. But eating excess sugar can also lead to a lowered immune system, premature aging, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Sugar is inflammatory, and inflammation is now believed to be at the heart of every degenerative disease we know of.

We expect to find sugar in cookies, ice cream, and donuts—but it sneaks into far more foods than you would ever imagine…foods like yogurt, marinara, salad dressings, ketchup, barbeque sauce, deli meats, pretzels, crackers, cereal, and the list goes on.

If you want to avoid sugar, you have to read labels. Some packaged foods have three or more different sources of sugar sprinkled throughout the ingredient list! Believe me, it’s worth the time you’ll spend doing it and in no time you’ll become a savvy (and healthier) consumer!

It’s important to look at the label where it says total sugars and divide the number by four, because there are four grams of sugar per teaspoon. The number you come up with is the number of teaspoons of sugar you’re ingesting—and that’s just per serving! Check and see how many servings are in the container.

Here is a partial list of different names for sugar:

  • Agave
  • Barley malt
  • Beet sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Cane juice crystals
  • Cane sugar
  • Caramel
  • Corn syrup
  • Carob syrup
  • Castor sugar
  • Date sugar
  • Demerara
  • Dextran
  • Dextrose
  • Diastatic malt
  • Diatase
  • Ethyl maltol
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Galactose
  • Glucose
  • Grape sugar
  • High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
  • Honey
  • Lactose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltose
  • Malt syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Panocha
  • Raw sugar
  • Rice syrup
  • Sorbitol
  • Sorghum syrup
  • Sucrose
  • Treacle

More on sugar next week!





Do you ever wake up craving something sweet?

Do you ever wake up craving something sweet? Some of you are saying “Yeah, duh--every day!” I know, me too. How about Apple Coconut Waffles?

So, of course as most of you know, eating sugar in the morning or even carbohydrates that turn to sugar (cereal, bagels, toast) will set you up for blood sugar highs and lows and sugar cravings all darn day (not to mention lulls in energy, fat storage, and all the other problems it can cause).

Because I often feel like something sweet in the morning I like to drink a chocolate protein shake like Medipro Vegan. I make it with unsweetened almond milk and add coconut oil, flax meal, frozen berries, and vegetables. Yep, vegetables. It’s so yummy you don’t even taste them! Medipro isn’t sold in stores but I always have it on hand if you ever want to try it.

But it’s COLD outside and a cold protein shake is not appealing to me at all right now. I love eggs, turkey bacon, and vegetables some mornings, but when I want something sweet I start digging through recipes. This morning I tried Apple Coconut Waffles. I don’t have a waffle iron so I made them as pancakes. It only calls for one tablespoon of maple syrup but I substituted Nature’s Hollow Sugar-free Maple Syrup because I cut out sugar wherever I can. You could also use a little stevia (I like NuNaturals Vanilla Stevia) or Swerve sweetener. I also kept the peel on the apple. I’m such a rebel, aren’t I?  🙂

They were good! I cooked them in coconut oil and also melted more on the top along with a little unsweetened shredded coconut. There are only two eggs in the whole batch so although you’re getting a little protein from the blanched almond flour it’s not enough protein to start off the morning so I’d suggest eating a pancake or waffle with an egg or two or some turkey bacon or sausage. You can eat the leftovers for another breakfast or snack and maybe even spread a little almond butter or natural peanut butter on them. Let me know what you think!

I’m going to be talking about sugar all this month and how you can actually be happy without it so stay tuned!

Also, don't forget to sign up for my free teleconference call: STRESS CAN MAKE ME FAT?! this coming Tuesday, January 6th at 6:30pm MST. Click here to sign up and get an access number and code. I look forward to having you on the call with me!

Happy New Year!

Debbie Lunnon

Your Mindful Wellness Coach



Post Christmas Sugar Cravings. Now what?!

The presents are opened and the holiday gatherings are mostly behind us. I’m guessing you might have a few leftovers hanging around—like maybe some Christmas cookies and fudge?

When you have all of that good stuff staring at you it’s pretty difficult not to eat it, right? I mean it may be another year before you get another chance to eat Aunt Mary’s pizzelles or your mom’s fudge. You’ve already decided you’re going to eat better, start working out, and drop those extra pounds in 2015—so why not indulge yourself and totally enjoy the rest of December?

Well, you could. Or you could also choose to begin making changes right now. Just take some small steps, like giving away those leftover sweets! Give them to your neighbors or take them to the office—just get them out of the house! Yeah, you could freeze them—but having the microwave right there makes it all too easy. Better to remove them all together!

If you want to ease into it—make a healthy paleo dessert that you can eat when you want something sweet. If you’ve been eating sugar over the holidays chances are you’re probably craving sweets right now. But you can get yourself off of that blood sugar rollercoaster by getting some good fats and protein in your diet—and cutting out the sugar.

Today I made a batch of the Paleo Brownies that I shared with you in October. If you missed the recipe here’s the link: I spread raw walnuts on the top and pressed them into the batter before I baked them…yum!

If you’re ready to make healthy changes in 2015 and want support I’d be honored to guide you in reaching your weight loss and wellness goals. You can sign up for a complimentary wellness strategy session by emailing me at: or calling 303-905-5007.

And don’t forget to sign up for my free teleconference call: STRESS CAN MAKE ME FAT?! on Tuesday, January 6th at 6:30pm MST. Click this link: to sign up and get an access number and code.


Eat, Drink, Be Merry & Wise!

Last week we talked about what you should eat before going to the big holiday party so you could make good choices rather than overindulging and regretting it later. So...what do you do once you get there?!

It’s like walking into the land of culinary temptation, right? All of your favorite desserts, dishes, and drinks...and sometimes food that’s only available one time a year...and this is it! You don’t want to miss out on anything! So you fill your plate, and maybe go back for more... or at least to get the stuff that didn’t fit on your plate the first time around. And all of those scrumptious desserts! They deserve their very own plate, don’t they?

Now while you’re excited about the food I’m guessing there’s some part of you that is feeling a little guilty about the whole thing.   Or you’re making a deal with yourself that you’re going to have a food frenzy now and start your diet January 1st.  Feast, then famine--all or nothing.  How about trying to find some middle ground?

No one wants to feel deprived--so how can you enjoy eating the foods you love without ending up feeling bad and adding unwanted pounds?

Eating well during the holidays doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of all your favorite holiday foods and treats. But you have to be mindful about what you’re eating and plan ahead a little. At your next holiday celebration try this:

  • Make sure you have a good portion of protein on your plate (meatballs, chicken, etc.) and some fat (guacamole, nuts) that will help you feel full and satisfied.
  • Be sure to grab vegetables (there’s almost always a vegetable tray).
  • Don’t feel you have to say yes to every food that’s offered to you. Pick and choose, and if you feel you’ve had enough simply say “no thanks.”
  • Leave what you don’t want on your plate. Remember to think about eating until you “aren’t hungry” rather than until you’re “full. It’s better to leave some food on your plate rather than store it as fat, right?
  • Limit your alcoholic drinks. Alcohol adds excess calories-especially drinks made with sugary mixers--and drinks with cream like white Russians or eggnog can contain as many as 700 calories each! Try drinking a glass of water between drinks. You’ll feel so much better the next day.  🙂
  • Eat holiday treats for dessert. Instead of eating sugary foods on an empty stomach (which will result in more sugar cravings), eat them following a meal or snack containing protein and good fats.
  • And most importantly, slow down when you're eating and savor every single bite!

Enjoy & Happy Holidays!!