Do you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again?

Do you ever find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, despite your many attempts to change?

I've been on a "cleaning out" kick...closets, cabinets, drawers, etc. I finally got to my kitchen cabinets and exchanged the cabinets that contained my teas with one that has all of my supplements and spices. I can't tell you how many times I've opened the now "tea" cabinet to grab the sea salt. Every time I do it I think...really...again? Now if I were actually paying attention when I went to grab the salt I would know where it was. But I'm often on autopilot and just go to the cabinet it used to be in out of habit.

You know, kind of like when you pop a cookie in your mouth mindlessly when you're trying to stop eating sweets. Have you ever caught yourself with the cookie in your mouth partially chewed up and actually spit it out when you realized what you were doing? C'mon now, fess up! 🙂  Or do you just quickly swallow it and because you screwed up anyway and have another?

Habits are hard to change--especially when you make a lot of changes at once. But it doesn't have to be so difficult. The last thing any of us need is to try to do too much at once so we end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed and ultimately just give up.

Doesn't it make more sense to make healthy changes slowly so you can get used to one or two changes that actually become new habits before trying to take on more? If you are gentle and kind with yourself rather than cracking the whip and trying to change everything at once you have a much better chance of reaching and maintaining your health and weight loss goals.

Remember...eating should be enjoyable! If you love eating something that you know is unhealthy for you--then it's important to find a new, healthier food that you can fall in love with so you don't feel deprived!

Want some help doing all of this?  It doesn't matter how many times you've tried and failed...this time can be different. Maybe you just need someone to walk beside you, encourage you, and keep you accountable. I would be honored to be that person.


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