Do you ever wake up craving something sweet?

Do you ever wake up craving something sweet? Some of you are saying “Yeah, duh--every day!” I know, me too. How about Apple Coconut Waffles?

So, of course as most of you know, eating sugar in the morning or even carbohydrates that turn to sugar (cereal, bagels, toast) will set you up for blood sugar highs and lows and sugar cravings all darn day (not to mention lulls in energy, fat storage, and all the other problems it can cause).

Because I often feel like something sweet in the morning I like to drink a chocolate protein shake like Medipro Vegan. I make it with unsweetened almond milk and add coconut oil, flax meal, frozen berries, and vegetables. Yep, vegetables. It’s so yummy you don’t even taste them! Medipro isn’t sold in stores but I always have it on hand if you ever want to try it.

But it’s COLD outside and a cold protein shake is not appealing to me at all right now. I love eggs, turkey bacon, and vegetables some mornings, but when I want something sweet I start digging through recipes. This morning I tried Apple Coconut Waffles. I don’t have a waffle iron so I made them as pancakes. It only calls for one tablespoon of maple syrup but I substituted Nature’s Hollow Sugar-free Maple Syrup because I cut out sugar wherever I can. You could also use a little stevia (I like NuNaturals Vanilla Stevia) or Swerve sweetener. I also kept the peel on the apple. I’m such a rebel, aren’t I?  🙂

They were good! I cooked them in coconut oil and also melted more on the top along with a little unsweetened shredded coconut. There are only two eggs in the whole batch so although you’re getting a little protein from the blanched almond flour it’s not enough protein to start off the morning so I’d suggest eating a pancake or waffle with an egg or two or some turkey bacon or sausage. You can eat the leftovers for another breakfast or snack and maybe even spread a little almond butter or natural peanut butter on them. Let me know what you think!

I’m going to be talking about sugar all this month and how you can actually be happy without it so stay tuned!

Also, don't forget to sign up for my free teleconference call: STRESS CAN MAKE ME FAT?! this coming Tuesday, January 6th at 6:30pm MST. Click here to sign up and get an access number and code. I look forward to having you on the call with me!

Happy New Year!

Debbie Lunnon

Your Mindful Wellness Coach



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