Should You Starve Yourself Before the Big Holiday Party?

I’m really looking forward to having you join me on my free tele-training call on January 6th called: Stress Can Make Me Fat?! Five Keys to Joyful & Mindful Eating in 2015. But in the meantime I want to give you a few suggestions that will help get you through the holidays without adding unwanted pounds!

Ok, so the big Holiday Party is coming up! Everyone who’s anyone will be there and you know exactly what you’re going to wear. You also know that the food and drink will be fabulous and you’ll be overindulging a bit.

So, how do you do a little damage control? How about starving yourself the day of the party so when you overindulge later you pretty much break even? Makes sense, huh? Not really, guys.

When you don’t eat enough nutritious food during the day (including ample protein and good fat) you actually set yourself up for overeating—and sometimes even bingeing later. Have you ever had such a busy day that you didn’t get a chance to eat (or you purposely didn’t eat because you wanted to drop a few pounds) and by the time you got home you were RAVENOUS and ate everything in sight? Even though your stomach was full your brain kept telling you to eat more?

That’s what happens when you don’t get the nutrients you need during the day and your blood sugar is low. You don’t really want that to happen at the party, right? So here’s a better plan if you’re game to try it…

The day of the party:

  • Eat breakfast, lunch, and a light dinner or afternoon snack depending on the time the party begins. Make sure you’re including protein (eggs, turkey, chicken, beef, etc.) a little healthy fat (avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.) and vegetables each time you eat.
  • Skip the bread, chips, cereal, crackers, cookies…all processed carbohydrates and sugars.
  • Eat until you’re “not hungry” rather than until you’re “full”…or eat to the point of feeling energized.
  • Drink plenty of water so you’re well-hydrated (alcohol is dehydrating).
  • Try to fit some exercise into your day…even just a brisk walk.

Now you’ll arrive at the party feeling energized and mildly hungry (or not hungry at all) rather than starved! And if you have a cocktail or two you’ll still be able to walk and talk. That’s always a good thing.  🙂

Next week I’ll show you how you can thoroughly enjoy the food at the party without overeating and feeling stuffed. Isn’t this getting fun?






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