Let's Do This Year Differently!

It’s common to go a little overboard during the holidays… too much food, an overload of sugar, and overspending. We often justify it by promising ourselves that we’ll make it right in the New Year. We’ll attack those extra pounds by going on a strict diet, join the gym, and spend only what we absolutely need to. But there’s that birthday party coming up, so it would probably be better to wait until after that, and it would be crazy to pass up some of those after Christmas sales!

Naturally we come up with reasons to postpone strict deprivation… it doesn’t sound like fun at all!

Now ideally instead of “all or none” thinking, we would approach the holidays with a little more moderation. But no matter what the holiday season looked like for you, I want to encourage you to give yourself a little grace. Instead of setting lofty goals for the New Year, opt instead to make small changes that won’t cause added stress to your life. You don’t have to change everything at once.

Think about what’s important to you and take a step in that direction. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, start with a couple of small, doable changes and build from there. Maybe you know you don’t eat enough vegetables. Instead of committing to eating them with every meal, commit to adding them to meals twice a day. If that doesn’t feel realistic, begin by drinking a good quality green drink that you can add to water or a protein drink, and add vegetables to one other meal.

Rather than going on a strict diet to lose weight, begin by cutting back on sugar and processed carbohydrates. Or commit to a 12-hour fast between dinner and breakfast that can make a big difference and keep you from late-night snacking. If you haven’t been exercising at all, ease in with walking for 30 minutes two or three times per week instead of committing to going to the gym five days a week. Start with goals that you can accomplish. If you’re unsure where or how to begin, consider working with a practitioner who can assist you. Sometimes you need a little help… make it easier on yourself.

I’d love to be at your side, guiding you in making positive changes that are sustainable, so you don’t find yourself with the same challenges next January. If you’re curious and just want to have a conversation, set up a complimentary call me with me. I’m right here if want to talk. https://www.mindfulwellnessco.com/complimentary-wellness-assessment/

Happy New Year!

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