Eggs, the Perfect Protein Source

EggsEggs are the perfect protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids. People often avoid them because they’re afraid of cholesterol, but eggs are one of the best sources of choline, an essential nutrient that actually prevents the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the liver.

They also contain phosphatidylcholine which is a building block for cell membranes and protects the liver from toxins. Eggs contain zeathanthin and lutein, which are two of the most effective supplements for eye health. They contain trace amounts of over fifteen vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, E, D, K, B-complex, potassium, and calcium, and the sulfur in eggs can help your hair and nails grow.

The choline in eggs is all contained in the yolk, so eat the whole egg! And some hints… don’t overcook your eggs. The less you cook them, the less you damage the enzymes and protect the nutrients. Poach, boil or lightly cook eggs. I also recommend buying eggs that are organic and cage-free when possible.

So, have some eggs for breakfast! The protein and fat in eggs will keep your blood sugar level and sustain your energy. Plus, they're the perfect compliment to 'Protein Pancakes' over in the recipe section! Eggs, the perfect protein. Enjoy!

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