Are You a Procrastinator?

You know there's something you need to do but you just can't seem to make yourself dive in!  You probably feel a little guilty about it because you know what you should be doing, and you don't feel very good about yourself when you think about it.  So it seems best (and the least painful) to tuck it away in the back of your mind and not think about it.  But of course you think about it.  Dang it!

If what you're procrastinating and trying not to think about happens to be losing weight, changing your eating habits, and/or exercising, it can seem like such a long road to get on track--in fact almost insurmountable!

Besides, the holidays are here and this is no time to start anyway, right?  There are too many gatherings, celebrations, and traditions...and all of that yummy food and drink!  So, you probably better eat all you can now because right after Christmas--well maybe right after the New Year--you're in.  Cut off.  Life as you know it is over.  Payback time.  No more sugar, alcohol, bread...nothing that is even remotely appetizing or satisfying.

Because you won't be able to have anything good when you start your diet you might as well get crazy now, huh?  Maybe a little "reckless abandon" is in order.  Of course sometimes at the end of that free-for-all is an additional ten pounds--ten pounds more than the fifteen you originally wanted to lose.  Oops.

I think of this kind of reasoning as "all or none."  It's extreme thinking in both directions.  What if you walk somewhere in the middle?  You know holiday festivities are near, so what if you do a little damage control?  I'm not talking about over-exercising or starving yourself the day of the party.  But what if you took a step or two towards taking care of yourself?  Maybe begin by eating a high protein breakfast and having coffee with cream and a little stevia instead of a daily mocha?

You can actually get through the holidays without gaining a pound.  What?!

Stick with me--I'll show you how.  🙂  Until next time...

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