Monthly Archives: November 2017

Stuffed Again?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. In fact, the grocery store was packed today with shoppers getting ready for the big meal.

Notice I said “big”. Thanksgiving for most of us means both large varieties and large quantities of food… often more than can fit on a plate. But that’s okay, because you can always go back for seconds... or thirds. My memories of Thanksgiving always include pushing back from the table at the end of the meal feeling stuffed—uncomfortably stuffed—because, well, that’s just what we do on Thanksgiving, right?

But why? Why eat to the point of feeling uncomfortably full?

I remember the first year I realized I could enjoy Thanksgiving, savor the food, and not overeat. I just ate portion sizes that I usually eat and stopped when I felt satisfied. I enjoyed it just as much—maybe even more—because I ate to the point of feeling energized instead of eating until I was stuffed, lethargic, and needed to unbutton the top button of my pants so I could breathe!

Thanksgiving dinner often includes foods we look forward to every year: stuffing and gravy, pumpkin and pecan pies—yum!  I’m not suggesting you deprive yourself of the foods you love… I’m inviting you to try eating a little more mindfully this year. Think of it as an experiment. You can still have some of everything you like, but just take smaller portions.

Before you take your first bite, take a couple of deep, relaxing breaths. There’s no hurry, you can relax and fully enjoy this meal and your family and friends you are sharing it with. Take in the aroma and all the wonderful scents—this will get your digestive juices flowing!

When you take your first bite of each food, notice the taste, the texture, and the flavor. Is it smooth, crunchy, savory or sweet? Take time to chew and savor each bite. Put your fork down and take a breath now and then. Remember, there’s no hurry. And to help your digestion even more, take a walk after eating if the weather permits.

Enjoy a delightful, mindful meal. And I wish you all a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving!

They're Here!

When Halloween arrives, I know we’ve officially stepped into the holidays… which means parties, cocktails, appetizers, large meals, and desserts. Oh my! All those temptations… and some that are only available once a year. How can you pass them up?

Have you just accepted the fact that you’re going to gain weight over the holidays, and you say you’ll take off those extra pounds starting January 1st? It’s overindulgence now and strict deprivation later.

How about approaching it differently this year? It just takes a little planning ahead. Let’s start with the leftover Halloween candy. Hopefully you bought candy that you don’t really like, but if not, get rid of it!  Either you or your partner can take it to the office or donate it. If it’s hard for you to walk by candy at your office without picking up a piece and popping it in your mouth, take a different path. Here are a few tips to help keep you from overindulging.

  • Take a brisk walk during lunch. Even just a 20-minute walk in the fresh air will help.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day. I like to fill my glass water bottles first thing in the morning, so I can keep track of how much I’m drinking.
  • Have a healthier alternative with you. I like 80% or higher dark chocolate, which is low in sugar. Try breaking off two or three bite-sized pieces and putting them in single serving bags. Savor each piece, letting it melt in your mouth. Limit yourself to one serving per day.
  • Make sure you’re getting plenty of protein and healthy fat with your meals. The protein will help keep your blood sugar stable and the fat will keep you feeling satiated.
  • Try drinking a cup of tea or coffee with some half and half, coconut, or almond creamer and a little stevia. Make sure the creamer doesn’t contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. I like The Republic of Tea Peppermint Bark. I use two bags in a big cup with coconut creamer and a few drops of stevia. It’s delicious!
  • Meditate, get a massage, or take a yin (restorative) yoga class. It will help you feel calm and centered… and able to make better choices.

You can create your own healthy indulgences and not feel tempted by all the sugary candy surrounding you. This is good practice for the next couple of months!